Knight Ravens


Knight Ravens is a roleplaying mercenary/pirate company themed gaming clan. The ravens focus is on one objective – earning credits by kicking ass. No mission is too big or small, and we focus strictly on military operations.

We have our own code of honour. The core rules apply to every Raven, from the commander to the lowest cadet.

We strike alone and together, with only one goal in mind; survival.

We are a group of gamers that have been playing Battletech, Planetside and Mechwarrior together for over 20 years.

After graduating from cadet, all ranks are earned, not given.

Matches are generally casual, if you want to command lances, you are expected to lead more successfully than your commander, or learn and listen.

Most importantly, have fun and respect your unit members, opponents, and chat companions.

You may roleplay a pirate/mercenary, within the bounds of internet civility. Do not use it as an excuse to be rude to people.

© 2025 Knight Ravens